Thursday, January 31, 2008

Goals for 2008

Goals for 2008

I resolve never to do anything which I should be afraid to do if I expected it would not be more than an hour before I should hear the last trump.

Johnathan Edwards

  1. Change-Become Consistent

a. Daily Bible Reading
b. Rely on God for everything. God is my reason for existence.
C. Weekly Bible Verse Memorization.
D. Daily Devotions
e. Daily Prayer Time-pray scripture.
f. Daily Post what I am Celebrating for the Day.

2. Marriage

g. Give it over to God and do not take it back.
h. Pray for Charles daily.
I. Service for my husband daily.
j. Keep my appearance up.
k. Pray for my marriage daily.
l. Let God do the work; keep my eyes on God and not the situations.
m. No pushing.
n. Speak words of praise, love encouragement daily.
o. Think before I talk, must become a way of life.

3. The Home

p. Taste
i. Good tasting food.
ii. Healthy food.
iii. No pushing or expecting family meal times.
iv. Family members eat only when hungry.
v. I do not need to eat 3 times a day.
vi. No packaged or processed foods.
q. Sight
i. Keep Clean.
ii. Do 15 min. a day in weekly area.
iii. Do 15 min. of maintenance cleaning daily.
r. Smell
i. Clean and fresh bathroom and carpets.
ii. air out house daily.
iii. Use frog and gas pills.
iv. fabreeze as needed.
s. Feel
i. Love
ii. Peace
iii. Discipline girls.
iv. train Girls
v. Praise
t. Sound
i. Laughter
ii. Praise
iii. Soft good music.
iv. Be appreciative
v. Well mannered, lady like.

4. Redeeming the Time

u. Weekly evaluate how I am spending my time.
v. Stay organized.
w. Use timer and keep to it.
x. Schedule things and keep to it.
y. Continue going to God for guidance on organization and what I should be or not be working on.

5. Become the mom God wants me to be.

z. School 5 days a week-Raven.
aa. Get the girls outside daily.
bb. read to the girls daily.
cc. Work on training the girls.
dd. Play with the girls daily.
ee. No nagging-just discipline.
ff. School 3 days a week - Cheyenne.

6. Lose Weight

gg. Eat only when hungry.
hh. Fast when eating gets out of control.
ii. Ask others to pray when eating is out of control.
jj. Water intake at 1/2 my body weight in water.
kk. Keep track of calorie, fiber, sodium and carb. intake.

ll. Exercise 30 min. a day.
mm. Watch portion control.

nn. Go to God for motivation.
oo. Weigh-in weekly, post.
pp. Do daily challenges.
qq. Take monthly measurements.
7. Journal

ss. Write in my spark journal daily-accountability.

8.House Work

tt. Daily Vacuum
uu. Morning routine, even on weekends.
vv. Evening routine, even on weekends.
ww. do dishes after each meal.
xx. Spend 15 min. a day deep cleaning the house.

9. Laundry

yy. Load a day.
zz. Ironing as needed.
aaa. Mending daily.

10. Hospitality

bbb. Do something hospitable weekly.
ccc. Raven and Cheyenne play date weekly.
ddd. Make a friendly phone call weekly.
eee. Visit someone weekly.

11.Computer Time

fff. I cannot be on the computer if I am not reaching my goals.
ggg. Recording time for journal, food, weigh in can only be done if have all my work done.
hhh. If I need something from the computer for school, do it and nothing else, then computer off.
iii. Computer cannot be on for more than 30 min. at a time. Even if I have all my work done, 30 min. accomplish something else than I can go back for another 30 min.

12. Craft Work

jjj. Spend some time daily.
kkk. Get one project finished a week/month.
lll. Teach the girls how to do things.


mmm. Prep. time for both girls.
nnn. Be sure to spend time working with Cheyenne.
ooo. Stick to the schedule.
ppp. Memorization weekly of scripture is a must.

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