Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have read some interesting books, blogs, and advice columns. The overall conclusion to 'fixing' marriage conflicts is man. Oh, how sad. When I read scripture I read that God is to do the 'fixing'. We are to go to God for our answers, He is our all in all. The Bible has all the answers. So then why does man desire to go to man for his answers? I believe it has more to do with --I want to be right, I know what is best for me, I cannot see God, God is not hear to discuss this with me, etc. And what is the common denominator, "I".

What happens when we get to much "I" in our lives? I can tell you because I happen to have this problem from time to time. We fall from what God wants for our lives, an one word answer, sin. Think of Peter walking on the water. He did fine as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. Yet as soon as he took his eyes off of the Saviour he sank.

This is exactly what happens in our marriages. As long as we keep our focus on Jesus. Pleasing Jesus, our marriage will flourish. When we focus on pleasing our husband we will fall. Now I can hear some hollering stop! We were created to be our husbands help meets. Yes. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men(my husband);" Colossians 3:23. If every pleasing thing we do is done 'heartily' unto God first we will be in obedience unto God and unto our husbands. Remember not even our husbands know what is best for them. Now this is not to say that we know better than our husbands. It is to say that God knows what is best.

Lets say we have 3 things we desire to do to bless our husband today but not enough time, what do we do. We may prefer one, knowing our husband would prefer another. How do we decide? Pray and allow God to decide. That way we will truly be a blessing unto our husbands.

As you read the books, blogs, and advice columns look and see where their focus is. Do they bring you back to Jesus or do they lead you to believe that you can have the power to change situations?

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