Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Internet? !!!!!!

Good Morning!!!

I have not been able to get an internet connection since some time early May. It was hard at first but now!!!!! God has so richly blessed me for not being online. This A.M. I turned on my computer only to figure out how I missed paying a bill-got an service interruption notice. LOL And there it was!!! I have been doing all of my banking online so that really was what I missed, being to look at my accts online. And when I really needed it LOL there it was. I so love how God works.

So about my summer.

May 30th the girls and I started a driving Paper Route. Not so much for the money but the getting out of the house daily. In the colder months I tend to stay inside and not exit the house until my DH gets me out on weekends. So the blues, crabbiness, and depression can get quite strong before spring enters the picture. I want to be able to keep the route as a way to get me outside for more than a few minutes to check the mail everyday. LOL The girls so enjoy our responsibility. They each have their duties to help out.

We went to Minneapolis in June and stayed with my mom. Whom I made go to the doctor and is still doctoring for phenomia. Praise God I was able to go and help her start getting well. Please pray with me that she continues to heal.

Then over the 4th of July we made a flying trip to Wyoming. Long drive for 2 days. LOL I have to tell you how God protected us. In the foot hills of the Casper Mountain (between Douglass and Casper on the Interstate-if you know the area is long low grade hills) the truck overheated. We had no water with us. LOL We stopped at a parking area and went looking at all the trash by the side of the road, found 2 things of discarded water we could us, still not enough but got us down the road about 2 miles or so. We found a cow drinking hole just over the fence line. It was gross looking water, I wondered about all of the discarded powerades back at the parking area and wondered if that would have been better. LOL BTW we also happened to be low on gas. Just waited to long and wanted to get that cheaper gas in Casper. We made it to Casper without another problem and filled up the truck at Flying J's. Our 20 gallon gas tank took 23.3 gallons of gas. The truck never coughed or sputters, ran so smoothly after we poured that cow drinking water in the radiator. The truck has run out of gas before and has never needed so much gas before. We know without a doubt in our minds we were running on God, not even gas fumes.

The experience really got me to thinking of how many other things God protected us from that we have no idea about. On the way home I woke up many times to see deer just standing by the edge of the road just staring at us. They were so beautiful to look at. Again God's protection.

Thyroid: I believe I have gone from hyper to hypo. I will be going to the Doctor Thursday to find out for sure. I am praying for God to take care of this.

Good to be back yet I still plan on not being around much. I am hoping to check in weekly during the school year. Which I am so ready to get back to, I got most of my prep work done while the family was gone in May. What a difference from last year of scrambling around when I needed to be organized and going. Praise God for taking care of all of these details. Dawn

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